




  • 集中力の低下
  • 無力感
  • 不眠
  • 自分を表現できない
  • 自分の殻に閉じこもってしまう
  • やる気の低下
  • 目標を達成できない
  • うつ
  • 不安
  • 共依存
  • 中毒
  • 怒り
  • 過敏性
  • 過去の事を手放せない
  • 同じ間違いを繰り返す


  • 第1チャクラ(根/赤)–生存 
  • 第2チャクラ(仙骨/オレンジ)–クリエイティブ 
  • 第3チャクラ(みぞおち/黄色)–パワー 
  • 第4チャクラ(心臓/グリーン)–愛 
  • 第5チャクラ(喉/青)–表現 
  • 第6チャクラ(第三の目/インディゴ)–直感 
  • 第7チャクラ(クラウン/バイオレット)–スピリチュアルなつながり 


  • 第1チャクラ–ノートC –骨格/背骨 
  • 第2チャクラ–ノートD –再生/膀胱 
  • 第3チャクラ–ノートE –胃/肝臓 
  • 第4チャクラ–ノートF –心臓/循環 
  • 第5チャクラ–ノートG –肺/喉 
  • 第6チャクラ–注A –副鼻腔/下脳 
  • 第7チャクラ–注B –神経/上脳 





What is a chakra?

Chakras are the circular vortexes of energy that are placed in seven different points on the spinal column, and all the seven chakras are connected to the various organs and glands within the body. These chakras are responsible for disturbing the life energy, which is also known as Qi or Praana.

How does a chakra get blocked?

A chakra gets blocked by the negative energy which is unable to release from the body. That’s negative energy that’s experienced as a response to traumatic emotional challenges & life experiences. When we experience these negative energies they can become blocked within us if we do not have the ability to release them.

Here are 15 signs that you could have blocked chakra:

  1. Difficulty concentrating.
  2. Feeling helpless.
  3. Sleep problems.
  4. Not being able to express yourself.
  5. Closing yourself off to others.
  6. Lacking motivation.
  7. Not being able to accomplish goals.
  8. Depression
  9. Anxiety
  10. Codependency
  11. Addictive behavior
  12. Anger
  13. Irritability
  14. Hard time letting go of past incidents
  15. Repeating the same mistake’s

What are the 7 chakras?

  • 1st Chakra (Root/red) – survival 
  • 2nd Chakra (Sacral/orange) – creative 
  • 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus/yellow) – power 
  • 4th Chakra (Heart/green) – love 
  • 5th Chakra (Throat/blue) – expression 
  • 6th Chakra (3rd Eye/indigo) – intuition 
  • 7th Chakra (Crown/violet) – spiritual connection 

The Chakra System is very interesting, because it reflects the vibrational level of you … both your inner and outer worlds.   When chakra energy is balanced, it is reflected in a more balanced life physically, emotionally & spiritually.  Each chakra also corresponds to a different body area, neural network, organ system, vibration, color – and a different musical note or frequency: 

  • 1st Chakra – Note C – skeletal/spine 
  • 2nd Chakra – Note D – reproduction/bladder 
  • 3rd Chakra – Note E – stomach/liver 
  • 4th Chakra – Note F – heart/circulation 
  • 5th Chakra – Note G – lungs/throat 
  • 6th Chakra – Note A – sinus/lower brain 
  • 7th Chakra – Note B – nerves/upper brain 

Everything vibrates … and where there is vibration … there is sound.  Every atom, molecule, cell, gland and organ of the human body absorbs and emits sound and has a ‘vibration signature’ which reflects your emotional and physical health. 

When an organ or body part is healthy, it creates a natural resonant frequency in harmony with the rest of the body.  Basically … we emit sound.  And just as a musical instrument can go out of tune with use, so can our bodies – creating disharmony & disease. 

How to clear chakra blockages? 

There are several different techniques people use through out the world to clear chakra blockages. I specifically use and teach clients on how to image train while using a special sound therapy technique, massage, spiritual blessings, cleansings and counseling.