

  1. Clairvoyance(クレアボヤンス) – 透視 (はっきり見通せる力)
  2. Clairsentience(クレアセンシエンス) – 超感覚 (明確な身体的感覚)
  3. Claircognizance(クレアコグニシンス) – 透視認知 (知らないはずのことが分かってしまう能力)
  4. Clairtangency(クレアタンジェンシー) – 触覚 (触ることによる透視)
  5. Clairaudience(クレアオウディエンス) – 透聴能力 (明確なヒアリング)
  6. Clairsalience(クレアサリエンス) – 嗅覚 (においがする)
  7. Clairempathy(クレアパシー) – 感情 (明確な感情的感覚)
  8. Clairgustance(クレアガスタンス) – 味覚 (味を感じる能力)
















Clairsalience(クレアサリエンス)はあなたのすぐ近くにいないモノ、人、場所などの事を動物の香りや臭いを嗅ぐなど匂いの知覚を通して得られます。 これらの臭いは、鼻を使わずに知覚されます。 clairscent(クリアセント)、またはclairscentency(クレアセンテンシー)とも呼ばれています。

Clairgustance(クレアガスタンス)は、口の中にその味の物がなくても、味覚を通じて精神的な情報を受け取ります。 たまに亡くなってしまった愛する人が好きだった食べ物やドリンクの味を感じる人がいます。



What are clair abilities and mediumship or psychic abilities?

There are 8 senses in clair abilities. I will explain and share each one of them with you.

  1. Clairvoyance (clear seeing)
  2. Clairsentience (clear physical feeling)
  3. Claircognizance (clear knowing)
  4. Clairtangency (clear touching)
  5. Clairaudience (clear hearing)
  6. Clairsalience (clear smelling)
  7. Clairempathy (clear emotional feeling)
  8. Clairgustance (clear tasting)

A clairvoyant (clear seeing) receives extrasensory impressions and symbols in the form of mental images through their mind’s eye (third eye). You may be clairvoyant if you experience vivid dreams, visions, mental images and mini-movies that flash into your inner awareness. You may be able to see the colors of the energy fields (auras) around people, plants, and animals, or perhaps you are able to see angels, ghosts, or other beings.

You may have a propensity for clairvoyance if you are a “visual” person, can easily visualize solutions to problems, have a great sense of direction, or are very good with visual-spatial problems. A clairvoyant may have the ability to see the future (precognition), to clarify and illuminate the present (most common) and see the past (postcognition).

Claircognizance (clear knowing) when you just suddenly know something to be true, even though you didn’t see it, hear it or feel it. You just know it. It’s a stroke of instant insight or a download of information that needs no processing or interpretation. Claircognizance can be experienced as a nagging idea or unrelenting thought, much like the persistant awareness that someone is lying to you when you have no physical evidence of it.

Clairaudient (clear hearing), you are able to perceive sounds, words or noise from the spiritual or ethereal realm. Someone is clairaudient if they mainly receive their intuitive information with their inner or outer hearing. Yes, we are talking about hearing voices (either outside of yourself or in your head)!

An example is that you’re driving to work and suddenly hear “Take the next exit.” There is no one in the vehicle with you. However, the message was clear, and seemed to come from outside of yourself. You take the next exit instead of driving your usual route. When you arrive at work, you learn you avoided a five car pile up, which would have made you miss a very important meeting.

You might lean towards clairaudience if you are naturally attuned to sounds, tones, rhythm and music. If you sing, play music, have an easy time remembering voices, or can easily hear it in someone’s voice when they are lying to you.

Clairempathy (clear emotion) if you sense other people’s emotions, thoughts and symptoms. It is the awareness or perception of emotional energy. You don’t necessarily experience the feeling in your body, but you are aware of the feeling. Think of Troy from Star Trek the Next Generation. She could sense other people’s emotions. Ever walk into a room after a couple was arguing and sensed the anger and hurt in the room? If so, you are clairempathic.

Empaths need self-care and psychic protection techniques

to successfully manage their empathic nature and shield themselves from energetic overload. A skilled empath knows how to maintain spiritual boundaries, replenish energy and clear unwanted negative energy from their auric field.

The difference between clairempathy and clairsentience is that empaths sense the emotion whereas sentients experience the emotion. Empaths sense the energy, but sentients feel the energy.

Clairsentient (clear physical feeling) obtains intuitive insight by way of a physical experience in their body. You have a “gut feeling” or “something doesn’t feel right,” and you experience it viscerally, as a physical sensation, in your body.Clairsentient’s feel (not just sense) the experience of other people’s emotions, ailments or injuries. They can also feel the physical and emotional pain of a land or a place where tragic events have occurred such as fear, jealousy, insecurity, hatred, and pain.

An example of this is that a friend of mine, a gifted psychic medium, gets an upset stomach when negative entities are nearby or pestering one of her clients.

The difference between clairempathy and clairsentience is that empaths sense the emotion whereas sentients experience the emotion. Empaths sense the energy, but sentients feel the energy.

Clairtangency (clear touching) if you have the ability to perceive facts about an event or person by contact with or proximity to the object or person. This is also commonly known as psychometry.

You may be clairtangent if you quickly gain formerly unknown insights when you hold someone’s watch, touch their hand, when you pick up an old antique at a flea market, or touch an old building.

Clairsalience (clear smelling), insights come through the perception of smell, such as smelling a fragrance or odor of a substance, person, place, or animal that is not in your immediate surroundings. These odors are perceived without the use of your physical nose. Other names for this are clairscent and clairscentency.

Clairgustance (clear tasting) receives psychic information through their sense of taste, without having any physical source of that taste in their mouth.

People sometimes report tasting a favorite food or drink from a loved one who has passed away.

Medium/Mediumship: Medium is a psychic who is able to communicate and interface with spirits in other dimensions.